Hello again,
I've been on a self exploring journey these past few months. I have been reading a ton of business books, lifestyle podcasts, and planning how I want to jump into documenting my life, work, and inspiration. I have tried a couple different methods but keep wanting to come back to this site. My intention with this blog are the exact same as when I first started it. To soak up the beauty in everyday life and to share it with you all. There is something so gratifying about it that I'm choosing to come back to it and continue to ride the wave.
You know when you have one of those moments where you look around and think this is the life. For me it's at the beach where there's no firm plan for the day, no expectations, no to do lists except to have pure fun. It's in those moments, when I'm laying on a towel on the sand or in a chair reading a book, that I love to just soak up all the positive vibes. I don't want the way I'm feeling to go away. I brainstorm on new things I want to create, places I want to explore, and goals that I want to accomplish by next vacation. I'm excited at that moment and the future. But then I come home, faced with all the responsibilities and everyday tasks that I didn't have at vacation. Bummer.
What if it didn't have to be that way though? What if, we all created lives that work for us? Yes, we still have house hold chores, jobs to get back to and a pile of other stuff, BUT what if we invested a small amount of time to running a more efficient house hold and business so that we can spend a lot more time doing the things we love with our families? Makes sense right?
One of the things I'll be talking more about and sharing on this blog is how I'm making more time for priorities in my life and less time for the little stuff. My hope is that you that you can pull some gold nuggets out and apply it to your own life so that you too can live your best life.
So ladies, lets put our big girl panties on and kick some ass!!
Shine on,
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