
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Unicorn #2: Random Tyler Knott Fact:


I believe in Unicorns, and they are my 3rd favorite animal.  Yes they exist.  If whales can have horns, so can horses.  Believe it.  Right?

Tyler Knott is an AMAZING poet. The photo above is from a poetry series created with a typewriter on found paper. My heart melts and I become one with the earth when I read his words. You can read more work here: http://tylerknott.com/

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Challenge: Unicorn

Photo From http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/e5a7/

So, last week I was venting to my brother about how I know I can do what I want to do if only I got off my tookus and did something about it. I have the plans all laid out but resist taking the first step for who knows why. My brother’s living his dream as a full time blogger bringing in the big bucks so I thought he would have some good advice.

We decided that he would be my “pusher”. Instead of asking me what I’ve done each week, he’s going to give me a word to work from. My challenge is to create or find at least one thing that’s related to that word to move me one step closer to my life goals.  So, what word did I get for this week? UNICORN. Yup…unicorn :) 

Well...here we go!!